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Jason's Online Table Top Resource

Risus GM Adventure Tool


This is a quick step by step for adventure creation with some ideas on how to build one quickly.

Plot points are in italics. Player text is in bold.


These are the general larger areas that the players will be adventuring in. Only assign cliches if the environment itself may be antagonistic. These should contain multiple interconnected locations.


Create these as characters, with a minimum of 10 point of cliches (equalling the players).


The overarching goal of the scenario. McGuffin? Save the Princess? Assasination? Get more loot?


Like the antagonists, but only one or two cliches with a few points based on difficulties. Actions as a group can be handled based on number i.e. 5 Orcs together may be considered to have “Rock pusher(5)”.


Plot Points

These are events that aren’t tied to specific locations, or have a more abstract relationship with the adventure. You may want to sprinkle these in rather than a separate section.