Jason Spadaro

Writer, Developer

Post Index

  • Rustiness - 2020-01-22

  • zaproxy_fix - 2019-12-15

    I’ve been picking up a little Rust an Go in my spare time. I wrote a tool to fix a Gecko driver issue with OWASP Zap.

  • Tools Wiki - 2019-12-05

    I added a “Tools Wiki” today. This is mostly so I can keep running documentation on what I’m using to do certain tasks, especially when I’m setting up a new system. Feel free to browse, and take what you find useful. It’s a little sparse right now, but I’m sure it’ll fill out over time.

  • The Wind, The Night - 2019-10-23

    I’ve recently started a new online fiction project. Check it out here.

  • Jekyll's Simplicity - 2019-05-23

    As more of my person workflow depends on markdown, I’m finding myself enjoying using it in combination with Jekyll for web.

  • Encryption Kick - 2019-05-01

    I’ve been on a bit of an encryption/privacy lately. I can’t remember what inspired the initial thought, but it’s best summed up as me looking at my Google and Facebook accounts and thinking “you know better.” Maybe it’s the mysterious ads from correlated meta-data, or the ugly anecdotes that have become more and more common where just by talking about a product around their phone they start getting targeted for that product. Regardless a few things hit home:

  • Scraping with a butterknife - 2019-04-20

    Started working on a little web scraping library today. It’s pretty minimal at this point, but I’m hoping to broaden it out a bit:

  • Site Refresh - 2019-04-19

    It’s been time for a while for me to rework this place.